I’m Evan Piper, and after owning a construction and facility maintenance company for many years, I survived a plane crash and started learning about ADA the hard way. Having experienced ADA from both sides, I’ve found ways to turn compliance hassles into opportunities for my business and my customers’ brands. I look forward to showing you how you can, too.
As a construction and facility maintenance contractor and professional speaker, I invite you to join me for a special session on the Americans with Disabilities Act at PRSM 2019 called “Explore the Opportunities in ADA Compliance” on Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 11:00 am–11:25 am, MST (Power Session in Exhibit Hall).
Want information on ADA-compliance before the conference? Let’s talk. Get in touch at 305-940-2030 or email epiper@piperco.com
Thank you,
Evan S. Piper
Evan Piper, a legacy PRSM member since 1996, is the President and Licensed General Contractor at Piper Construction & Facilities Maintenance, Inc., a Nationwide Facilities Maintenance Contractor with Regional Self-Performance capability. In addition to performing general facilities maintenance services, one of Piper’s sub-specialities is ADA Compliance, mitigation, and resolution. Reach Evan at 305-940-2030 to discuss ADA and general facilities maintenance services.
Piper Construction & Facility Maintenance, Inc.
1885 NE 149th St, North Miami, FL 33181
(305) 940-2030
Copyright 2019, The Piper Companies